No luck this time

So here’s what happened until now:

D-9: We bought a pregnancy test and it had two lines. Really. Really really. But we decided it’s not sure until doctor sais so.

D-8: We named him/her Bababumbi until we find out if it’s a she or he. Wrote it on my belly

D-7: I’ve called the doctor for an appointment, got one next week

D-6 to D-3: told everyone while crying every morning  thinking what if the doctor sais it’s not true. I wan’t to eat spagetti with sugo every day

D-3: mom tells me to buy a new test to feel better, all the people tell me that two lines on the test can’t be wrong

D-2: I realize I haven’t had my period for 7 weeks and think that my bellytenant could be so old, it could have a beard

D day: Doctor sais I have a 5 week old little sack in my belly. Can’t stop smirking

D+2: I want broccoli. Husband sais I’m not in that phase yet. I realize I am utterly uninterested in my job from now on

D+3: I want ginger ale. Husband brings me. It doesn’t taste like I expect it to. I love it for two days, I hate it after and can’t drink the last 0,5 dl

D+4: We start to read for Bababumbi every evening from Winnie the Pooh

D+5-6: I’m staaaaarving every 2 hours. I ask my grandma to make me cauliflower casserole and don’t eat any of it.

D+8: I wake husband up in the middle of the night crying because it must mean the worst that my belly hurts sometimes

D+9: It takes 2 mins on Google to realize that it’s not the case

D+11 (today): i start to weep watching Project Runway because one of the contestants is also pregnant. Plus I realize that dried cranberries with danish soft cheese are the best food ever.

11. week: I ran to the hospital because of light bleeding. It turns out that’s nothing since the pregnancy stopped weeks before. No luck this time, have to try again 😦


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